Sunday, May 9, 2010

Four Great Bodhisattvas

The four great Bodhisattvas who

manifested in China were:

(i) Earth Store Bodhisattva ( Di Zang Wang Pusa 地藏王菩萨)

His bodhimanda is Jiu Hua Shan.

(Jiu Hua mountain九华山)

Di Zang Wang Pusa is the bodhisattva of Great Vows and Compassion da yuan大愿).

(ii) Guan Yin Pusa, the bodhisattava of compassion kindness. Guan Yin Pusa’s Bodhimanda is Pu Tuo Shan (Pu Tuo Mountain普陀山)

iii) Wen Shu Shi Li Pusa

(Manjushri Bodhisattva


His Bodhimanda is Wu Tai Shan.( Wu Tai Moutain五台山 )

Wen Shu Pusa is the

bodhisattva of Wisdom.

iv) Pu Xian Pusa (Samanthabadra Bodhisattva

普贤菩萨)He is the bodhisattava of Great practice.

His sacred site is Er Mei Shan

(Er Mei Moutain 峨嵋山)

As mentioned before, Sakyamuni Buddha was a great teacher. He used various kinds of teaching aids to help us to understand His Dhamma.

Sakyamuni Buddha had asked

Di Zang Wang Pusa to take care of all us after he has left this world.

( he has gone to another world to

continue His Dahmma Teaching.)

He had left us for 2,554 years

already. He is in the world of ten

directions. (Refer to book ‘Sharing and Caring’ page 23)

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas blessed us with their Dhamma Teaching. If we follow and live a Buddhist way of life then we will be well and happy. Dhamma’s aim is to help us to end our suffering and to gain happiness.

Di Zang Wang Pusa represent Xiao Jing (孝敬)means treat our parents with filial piety.

The Sutra of Di Zang Wang Pusa

was the sutra that Sakyamuni Buddha went to Dao Li Heaven to expoundexplain the Dhamma to his mother.

(Di Zang Wang Pusa Ben Yuan Jing


Sakyamuni Buddha’s mother passed away after His birth.

She was in Dao Li Heaven. Sakyamuni Buddha performed filial piety by expound Dhamma to His mother.

Di Zang Wang Pusa teaches us to become filial piety. Never abandon our old parents. How long has it been since you called or visited your parents.

Guan Yin Pusa represented compassion kindness.

Talk about compassion kindness,

We should be compassionate firstly to both of our parents.

If we don’t start the compassion kindness from our home, what type of kindness we have?

Our parents are the living bodhisattvas in front of us.

We can be nice to others only if we are nice to our parents.

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