Monday, December 10, 2018

Focus can make us powerful

Sakyamuni Buddha(left)
Amitabha Buddha(right)

We look at what Dr. David Hawkins has said.
Yes, Pure Land Practitioners focus on the teaching of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Sakyamuni Buddha told us to practice(recite Amituofo)hard so that we can enter the University of Amitabha Buddha in Blissful Pure Land.
In another words we are learning from Amitabha Buddha as well.

When we recite Amituofo, the virtue and power of Amituofo (compassion kindness, longevity, and wisdom) also available to us.

Amituofo is truly merciful and kind to us.
He has forgone his throne and practiced very hard (has gone through a lot of hardships) until he became a Buddha with the purpose to save us from Samsara world’s sufferings.

He has vowed to use just his Name (Amituofo) to help us.
This is the password. Everyone can remember and can recite easily.

The path of rebirth is dangerous (we might not be rebirth as a human being in our next life). Earnestly recite Amituofo and do not change the subject.

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