Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Different between two worlds

Photo : Namo Sakyamuni Buddha Statue
Baesan Okryeonseonwon Temple/Busan

Don't expect perfection for perfection is not attainable in this imperfect Samsara World.

Perfection can only be found in The Blissful Pure Land.
The only person who is perfect is the Enlightened One
(who is totally free from greed, hatred, ignorant and all the worldly attachments)

We learn and practice Dhamma in order to let go of our imperfection.

Sakyamuni Buddha took 12 years since he left the palace to
look for the truth of life. At the end only He gained his enlightenment.

Amitabha Buddha took 5 kalpas(an extremely long period) to form The Blissful Pure Land as well as gain His Enlightenment.
That was because of His 48 vows.
He has vowed that only when he fulfilled all those vows he would gain the enlightenment.
The Blissful Pure Land is a perfect kingdom.
We can find perfection there.

Today we are so lucky that we have heard of Dhamma Teaching, and we have met with the shortest path that enable us to gain enlightenment soon after this life.
Amitabha Pure Land Practice (净土念佛法门)is the path.
The instrument we use is Amitabha Recital.
The password is Amituofo (in Mandarin).
[Amitabul (in Korean),Adidaphat(in Vietnam), Amitabha(in English), Amida Butsu(in Japanese), Amitayus(in Sunskrit).]

In this practice,we just need to recite Amituofo diligently.
Of course we need to follow the teaching of Dhamma(through Sutra reading or Listen to Dhamma Talks) , gradually letting go/drop off of all the imperfections.

When our life span has ended here, we will migrate to Amitabha Blissful Pure Land.
Amituofo recital has great merit.
We accumulate these merits and bank in to our eternal account in Amitabha Blissful Pure Land for our migration purpose.

Hope this simple sharing will help you to understand better of the different between these two worlds (present Samsara World, and future Blissful Pure Land).

Have a good day.
