Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Faith will make things possible


There was an old lady who sold breakfast in the market.
I always spend sometimes to share the Dhamma stories with her whenever I go the market.

One day she went to Genting Highland with her husband.
They have met with an accident when they were on their way coming downhill.
Their car overturned!
They were trapped inside the car.

She said at that moment she kept reciting “Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa”
Finally she has managed to break the window of the car and crawled out from the overturned car.

She and her husband were not injured in the accident.
She said that was a miracle.

Since then her confidence in reciting Amituofo has become firm.
Now every time she sees me in the market she will say “Amituofo” loudly.

When we are reciting  Amituofo
We are keeping in touch with Amituofo.
Amituofo will protect  us when we are  in danger. 

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