Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Real Fact

Let us look at the picture above.
In the east (Samsara World here ) ,there is Sakyamuni Buddha keep on advising us to Nian Fo and migrate to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie ( Blissful Pureland).

In the west, there is Amitabha Buddha (Amituofo) long waiting for us to go Home. He has extended His hand to welcome us Home.

Aross the Samsara sea ( Bitter sea) on the left there is burning hot fire ( hatred, unhappiness) and on the right there is boiling hot water (greed, ignorant, dissatisfaction).
At the back of the traveler ( we all ), there are wild fierce animals, family members, enemies, good guys and bad guys hold us back from crossing the Samsara Sea (attachment)

So you see, we are facing a lot of obstacles along the journey of Dhamma Practice before we can successfully reach Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie. Reading Sutras or explainations of Sutras will help us understand deeper about how to practice. Through proper understanding, we built our confident in the practice. If we are firm and confident in Nian Fo, there will not have problems even we are facing great obstacles. Be Confident, Stick strictly in the words of Amituofo meritorious name. Have no fear in facing Death.
Till here for the time being, shall continue to share...

People are being saved by Amituofo from the Samsara World. (Bitter World)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Positive thought, positive vibration

Water can hear, can read and can understand our message.

Dr Masaru Emoto had spent more than ten years to do Research about water.

He pasted a label written with THANK YOU and LOVE in different languages around the world to cup A. To cup B he pasted a label written with HATE YOU or some negative words.

After that he has frozen the water, then use an advance microscope to see the water crystal.

Water crystal from Cup A Thank you and Love)

Look nice and beautiful.

Water crystal from Cup B

Look ugly

This research bring us some important messages.

You see our body is made of 70% of fluid ( Our blood, aliva and other fluid in our body)

Remember water can hear, can read and can understand the messages that

Vibrate around.

So,the next time when we want to talk

People around us,do not use harsh words, unpleasant words.

What is coming out from our mouth will affect the listener tremendously.

Notice or not, when we say something not nice to the listeners, his/her face will change immediately. He/she feels unhappy.

This is only the “rough surface” we can notice. What about the cells in his/her body, must be very sad/angry and ugly. ( like the water crystal from Cup B!)

This research bring us some important messages.

You see our body is made of 70% of fluid ( Our blood, aliva and other fluid in our body)

Remember water can hear, can read and can understand the messages that

Vibrate around.

So,the next time when we want to talk

People around us,do not use harsh words, unpleasant words.

What is coming out from our mouth will affect the listener tremendously.

Notice or not, when we say something not nice to the listeners, his/her face will change immediately. He/she feels unhappy.

This is only the “rough surface” we can notice. What about the cells in his/her body, must be very sad/angry and ugly. ( like the water crystal from Cup B!)

This research bring us some important messages.

You see our body is made of 70% of fluid ( Our blood, aliva and other fluid in our body)

Remember water can hear, can read and can understand the messages that

Vibrate around.

So,the next time when we want to talk

People around us,do not use harsh words, unpleasant words.

What is coming out from our mouth will affect the listener tremendously.

Notice or not, when we say something not nice to the listeners, his/her face will change immediately. He/she feels unhappy.

This is only the “rough surface” we can notice. What about the cells in his/her body, must be very sad/angry and ugly. ( like the water crystal from Cup B!)

This is a picture of water crystal taken from a cup labeled with the words:



Look like an angry boy carries a knife isn’t it?

Water crystal of Amituofo recitation.

It is beautiful!

Speak encourage words to others.

Train ourselves speak only positive words. This will bring benefits to ourselves and to others.

Everybody needs somebody to support and to encourage in order to live a better day.

I always tell my school children:

“Sharing and Caring Make

The World A Beautiful Place

To Stay”

Family members, parents and children,

Husband and wife, friends should treasure the moment to be together.

Every morning, vibrate some positive energies to your family members before they leave for school or to work.

( say some nice words to them)

Exp: Amituofo, good morning, have a nice day……..

Women are the “master Key” of a home.

We must be healthy:

i) physically ~ regular exercise


ii) Spiritually ~read up some spiritual building material to enrich ourselves. Self help and can share with others.

iii) Mentally ~ train ourselves to think positively. This is a tough task!

(We have been life after life accumulated lot of negative habits. No one is perfect!

This is not an easy task,

you may say is easy to say than done. We must be very patient here. Living is a learning process, until one day we enlightened like Buddha.)

To upgrade and improve ourselves is our unfinished homework!

(life after life till enlightened)

To encourage others to upgrade themselves is our mission in this world. Especially our children. We need to help and guide them to the right path. First of all we have to upgrade ourselves urgently then only we can offer help.

Just do what ever we can, do not pressure ourselves.

Always keep a positive thought even in the worst situation.

This is the best way of BE KIND TO OURSELVES.

Bear in mind, not necessary every attempt will be successful!

(children may not listen to us,but is okay) do not give up, keep trying,. Remember this is our mission here.

Just do it! Sincerely do it.

Train ourselves not to get angry.

(Spiritual development)

Anger do billions harm to the body cells. ( If you do your blood test during that angry moment,for sure the crystal will be very ugly)

When we get angry, our body’ cells become depress, sad and ugly.

Anger can cause deadly disease!

Again “ Be Kind To Ourselves”

She is Sister Teresa Hsu Zhe from Singapore.

This year (2010),she is 109 years old.

She lead a simple life, she is taking care of many old folks who are much younger than her.

She called herself 101 years old

(the time) Nian Qing Ren meaning 101 years old young person.

See how positive she is.

Here we are everyday telling people we are old already! She learned yoga when she was 60 years old.

Everyday she practices yoga and teaches yoga too.

She is so humble that she called herself the head of the beggars.

She will not buy any new clothes because the people she is taking care are really poor people, she said she

must dress just like them. Her clothes are from the recycle bin. She pick it up,

brought home, washed and wore it.

Sister Hsu meets

Master Chin Kung in Singapore.

In order to read more Dhamma books,

She take an effort to learn Mandarin.

Master Chin Kung present the certificate of Taking Refuge In Triple Gem ( Gui Yi San Bao) to her and told her, she is Buddha’s best student.

You see how determine she is in

ugrading herself spiritually.

Many of the people I met

(who are Chinese educated told me

That they don’t know Mandarin!)

They should be proud that they are Chinese educated and there are Dhamma books in Mandarin that they can read and can understand.

Sister Hsu has no negative thinking at all. People ask her what is he religion?

She said LOVE is her religion.

She said :

I enjoy each day, each moment and I

don’t know what is sorrow.

When she was invited to attend Master

Chin Kung’s Dhamma Talk and Taking Refuge in Triple Gems, all the

People in the air-con hall are wearing thick jacket and she only wear a thin layer of clothes and a knee length pants, Brother Lee asked her whether she is cold or not, she said she neither

Know hot nor cold! You see, her mind is so pure till no differentiate towards

Circumstances. (people/matters/things)

Sister Hsu :

Live each day to benefit others!

Live a thankful day!

We should check ourselves urgently!

Most of the time we are so choosy and fussy of our clothing, foods, places we stay, transports we use.

We are too much complaints than appreciate and be thankful to the things and people around us.

Sister Hsu is here to perform an example for us to learn

and to understand the purpose and

the mission we are here.

Amituofo .....

Suffering world

Amituofo is waiting to save us from this suffering world provided we are willing to be saved.

Buddha said, our world is full of suffering.

This is because of the impermanence. (无常)

What can be permanent?

Nothing is permanent including our body.

Today you earn a lot of money, you buy houses, sport car, jewels , you enjoy good foods, are you really happy?

Happiness is a kind of impermanent. Happiness is only a short break of suffering.

When you are hungry you feel the suffering. After you filled you stomach you feel happy, but after another few hours you feel hungry again, suffering has come back.

No matter how wealthy you are, you are still no happy because you scared that you will lost you properties to robbers, thieves, flood, fire, earthquake, enemies and ungrateful children. This is impermanent.

What is happiness then?

Wisdom and Compassion kindness are the key to happiness.

Through Dhamma practice will develop wisdom and compassion kindness.

Contentment (happiness) comes from our spiritual development but not from the worldly wealth. No body can rob away your wisdom and compassion kindness.

Our Great teacher, Sakyamuni Buddha has classified samsara world’s suffering into 8 main categories.

[ 4 birth, old age, sickness, death,

5 leaving of the loves one,

6 See the enemies who we wish not

to see.

7 Wishes are not fulfilled,

8 Emotionally and physically

uncontrolled ]

Talk about birth, we are 9 months in our mother’s womb before we come to see the world.

Buddha said, the womb is like a hell.

It is dark.

When a mother drinks some hot drinks or eats spicy foods, the fetus (baby) is just like in the fire hell. When a mother takes cold drinks, he will feel

As cold as in the icy cool hell. Moreover when a pregnant mother gets angry the fetus will feel like in the punishment hell.

By the time 9 months is due, it is the time for the baby to come to see the world, he must struggle through the narrow passage (like compressing hell) to come out.

By the time he is out, when he first contact with the air, the skin will be painful (like in the sharp knife hell)

That is why every babies first sound

when he came to this world would be

“ku ah, Ku ah……..” (苦啊!苦啊!)

Ku means bitter. Suffering starts!

Secondly and thirdly will be old age and sickness. Everyone of us doesn’t want to get old and fall sick but no one can escape from old age and sickness.

The parts of our body become old, when need glasses to read, we can not hear well, our teeth getting loose. Our organs start giving problems like an old car. This is suffering!

Forth will be the most scary topic.

Death is certain for every one of us.

Nobody can escape from this cycle.

Our life cycle is like a wheel, turn and turn around without stopping, life after life. This is called reincarnation in the samsara world.

(We have been turning round and round between the six realms or six paths,(Heaven, Human, Asura,Animals, Hungry Ghost and Hell) for kalpas long .)

We are so lucky that in this life we have heard Dhamma.

We heard, we belief and we practice Nian Fo. We give ourselves a chance

to end the “merry go round” types of suffering.

Sincerely and truthfully Nian Fo,

We will be blessed with health and happiness now.

At the end of our life span, we will happily said goodbye to the samsara world.

When we migrate to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie. We will have eternal life.

( No birth and no dying)

There is only xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie

has permanence.

The only things in Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie that will change is our lotus flower. (our home).

Our lotus will bloom if we really Nian Fo, otherwise it will die automatically .

In Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie we will be born in the lotus.

We Nian Fo to cultivate our lotus for future use. Lotus will be our Home later.

Some are big some are small .Some colours are brighter and some are lighter.

This is depends on our practice.

Lotus will be our “parents”.

We will be free from suffering

of birth, old age ,sickness and death.

We have shared the fours types of suffering just now.

Now we look at the fifth one.

Suffering from leaving of the loves one. This happens every minute around the corners of the world.

There are birth and there are death.

How sorrow it is when someone close to us will have to leave us suddenly.

Without Nian Fo, how to cope with this situation? Sadness, sorrow, and depression will not bring them back.

There was a mother who loves her son so much, unfortunately her son died in a car accident. This mother can not cope with the lost of her son, after her son’s funeral, she commit suicide.

This is a great suffering for the rest of the families’ members. Sad case!

If we have practice and understand Dhamma, we know anything that happen is subject to Cause and Effect.

We have no super natural power that can see the cause (why it is like that)

Anything happens it is due to Cause and Effect. (Law of Universe)

We can see a lot of misfortune happen to other people, we will not know this will happen to the people close to us or not, seeing this, the more we should practice Dhamma and have better mental preparation when thing happen.

No matter how close a person to us, it is a day we have to apart. It is only sooner or later. This is impermanent,

In another word is suffering.

Dhamma Practitioners will Nian Fo Hui Xiang to him/her .

Release him/her and tell him to Nian Fo and migrate to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie to end the reincarnation’s suffering.

Tell him do not worry about the left behind.

Tell him to go(migrate) first, later we will join him in Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie.

Tell him to let go all the attachments and Nian Fo, migrate to a better place and change a better physical body.

Upon all the encouragements he

will leave peacefully.

In Buddha times, there was a lady, her son died of sickness. She was very sad and brought the son’s body to see Buddha, asked Buddha to save her son.

Buddha asked her to find some mustard seeds from a family which never have passed away person before.

The lady walked day and night, from town to the village, she found that every family has lost their family members before. At last she came back to see Buddha, Buddha told her,

Birth and death are natural phenomena.

Nian Fo and transfer the merits to the

him will be the greatest help.

Let us share another live happening.

There were an old man and his wife,

A very loving couples. They are Nian Fo Ren ( Dhamma Practitioner).

One day, the old man fall sick seriously, he was aiming to migrate to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie already. So he stopped his medications and Nian Fo.

Not long after that, one fine morning he told the people beside him that he is going off this evening because he saw Amituofo appear in front of him already. He appeared peaceful and delighted.

Upon hearing that, his loving wife

comes beside him and cried loudly,

At once he held back and thought if he has to go now, who will buy the medicine for his wife? So he held back, his pain became serious and passed away four days later. He appeared in suffering face then.

Master Chin Kung said, normally Nian Fo people will show delight and peaceful face at the last moment,

this is also means he will go to a better realms (the upper four realms or heaven or probably migrate to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie.

( If he told us he sees Amituofo or the people around him see Amituofo appeared in front of him and smelled extra ordinary fragrance , these are the signs of a person successfully Wang Sheng to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie )

The sixth suffering is see the enemies that we wish not to see

It is always happened that we tend to see people who don’t like to see.

For me I have a way to over come this suffering. That is to treat others as your family members, always on my forgiving switch in my heart. Chinese saying: [ Si Hai Zhi Nei, Jie Xiongdi ye] means in every corners in the world, we are brothers and sisters.

Master Chin Kung said, the best is to

Open our eyes to look at other’s good and ignore his shortcoming.(weakness)

Like that we will see every one as good person.

We live each day as good day,

We deal with good fortune.

Situations can not change but we can change our way of thinking (wisdom) to deal with even the most difficult situation.

The following seventh suffering is

wishes are not fulfilled.

This is always happen, what we wish may not come the way we want, then there will be suffering.

Number eight is emotionally and physically uncontrolled. We don’t want to get angry but a little small thing will trigger us to become angry.

This is not the problem of circumstances (other people or matters)

But is our roots! There were hatred (angry) seeds inside us, circumstances are only a “bridge”. If there were no hatred seeds , we will not get angry easily.

Come to the conclusion, if we want to live a peaceful and happy life, we have to upgrade ourselves spiritually.

One of the best way is to practice Dhamma. Nian Fo (recite A Mi Tuo Fo) will be the best of the best. What else you are looking for? BE HAPPY! Amituofo.