Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sutras for Pureland Practice

Amitabha Buddha Speaks the Sutra

Though there are 5 Sutras chosen for Pureland practice, Master Chin Kung said, we just need to choose one Sutra for daily individual practice.

(One Sutra and one Amituofo name will do )

Let say you have chose AmituoJing for daily chanting, then you just stick to AmituoJing will do. This will help in better concentration.

AmituoJing has 1875 words, you only need 15 minutes for one round of recitation. (Nian Jing) then you

continue with Amituofo recitation for as much as you can.

Do it for morning and evening practice.

The rest of the time in the day, you can recite Amituofo name when you performed your routine works. (Works that is don’t need so much thinking, this is very helpful in training us in mindfulness, rather than letting your mind travel wildly)

Nian Fo and perform your routine work, you will not feel tired because

Our mind is in the mindfull stage,

Less inner energy lost. Nian Fo can preserve our inner energy. That’s why Master Chin Kung said, Nian Fo Ren always look young, look healthy and live longer life.

We can see this result from Master Chin Kung. He is 83 years old already (year 2010), but you look at

Him, he is so healthy, does not look like 83 years old at all.

He told us that he always live in a grateful world (regardless of good time or bad time)


Yong yuan huo zai gan en

de shi jie li

Master Chin Kung has delivered Dhamma Talks

(speak The Sutras) 360 days through-out a year

without a day off.

We are very lucky to listen to His Dhamma Teaching, (CD/VCD/DVD is available FOC)

We should treasure the opportunity and practice diligently (work hard ).

Dhamma Practice is as important as worldly matters.( earn a living to survive in this world)

Accumulate wealth and Dhamma practice is equally important.

low sometime for Dhamma practice apart from our worldly chores. Life will be happier.

Win-Win situation.

May You Be Well and Happy!


· Sincere (真诚)

· Purity (清净)

· Equality (平等)

· Enlightenment (正觉)

· Compassion Kindness(慈悲)

Master Chin Kung 净空老法师

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