Friday, April 16, 2010

Like a poor who finds the treasures

Buddhist Dhamma is the invaluable treasure.

Money in this world will keep us survive physically.

With Dhamma teaching , our soul (immeasurable lives) will be safe.

We learned to upgrade ourselves until achieve enlightenment(Nirvana).

Pureland Practitioners Nian Fo (recite A Mi Tuo Fo) to eradicate negative karmas and cultivate good in order to “migrate” to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie after our life span ends here.

Dhamma is the anchor in the storm.

To whom we can rely on except

Dhamma (Amituofo). We can not rely on our parents, spouse, children or friends! They are in the lost too!

Buddha said, actually everyone of us are equip with the virtues ( wisdom and abilities) just like Him.

It is just because of our:

~vain hopes (not achievable hope in the future/ Wang Xiang),

~differentiate mind (not equal/Fen Bie ) and

~persistence negatively, in the wrong things (Zhi Zhuo),

Our wisdom and abilities are covered,

We become ignorant and poor as we are today.

We think that with a lot of money we will be safe. We forget that the moment we have to say goodbye to this world, we can not reject and say

we don’t want to leave. Our money in the bank will be transfer to someone else. Another person will enjoy the money!

At that time, nothing we can bring along except our deeds in this life. (Good deeds and bad deeds)

That is why it is important to abstain (stop) from doing bad deeds.

Cultivate loving kindness (good causes) will have good effects.

Buddha said, of all the good deeds,

(donation in whatever forms:money, foods, clothes ,medications ,cares etc.)

Nian Fo (recite Amituofo) is the highest merits good deed.

When we Nian Fo, our three karmic deeds ( means physically, speech and thoughts) are serene and pure. Physically do no harm to others,

Verbally say no hurting speech, and

have good thought towards others (beings). That is why Nian Fo carries

highest merits. We always transfer (Hui Xiang) the merits to beings in the

ten directions world whenever we have finished Nian Fo.

Material helps with saved a person’s

physical life (this body) but Dhamma Teaching and Nian Fo with help a person eternal life (soul). With Dhamma practice, a person will achieve Nirvana which will end the reincarnation ( reborn) in this samsara world.(suffering world)

When we practice A Mi Tuo Fo recitation method at home( Nian Fo ), We are contributing to societal and world peace as the wave frequency send out by A Mi Tuo Fo recitation

Is Purity, Equality and enlightenment.

(Qing Jing, Ping Deng & Zheng Jue)

This mental frequency can neutralize the waves patterns send out by those with evil thoughts.(negative thinking)

This means the more people practice Nian Fo, the peaceful are the area.

Nowadays , there are types of disasters happening around us. Earth quake, Flood, Fire, Robberies, murders etc.

Our Samsara world has became chaotic!

The best way to help the situation is Nian Fo. This can help to calm and neutralize the chaotic and negative frequency.

Nian Fo Hui Xiang ( transfer merits)to help the victims to let go their fear and anger. It is sure they can receive our

Hui Xiang if we do it sincerely.

Chin Kung Master (净空老法师)

advices all the Dhamma Practitioners around the world to recite 1 000 times of Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa and Hui Xiang the merits to all the disasters victims and sufferers.

All the Nian Fo people will do it together in different parts of the worlds at 8.30pm every night until

16 June 2010. This will be a great help. Let do it and tell the people around us to do it.

Actually the person who get the benefit the most will be ourselves.

Why we recite Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa? (Samsara World’s Saver)

This is because Kuan Shi Yin Pusa delivered compassion kindness.

He is every where in the corners to saved those who needed and most of the people know Him better and has confident in Him.

Recite 1,000 times of

Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pusa

will only takes 15 minutes.

If you use the Nian Fo Zhu

(beads) let do it 10 rounds.

1 round is 108 times.

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