Sunday, April 11, 2010

Live life to the fullest

Samsara World is a transitory place (we exist for only a short time) for every one of us. Give you 10 times of ten years; you are already 100 years old. How many of us can live until 100 years old?

(ren sheng you duo shao ge shi nian?)

If we can spend sometimes to make an inquiry into this matter, we will understand why I am here? Where will I go to after this place?

If we understand the actual facts, we will not scare of death.

We have no choice when we come.


We can decide and prepare where we want to go.

Our life is just like the sea wave.

Have you been to the sea side?

You can see the wave comes and goes, without stopping either day or night.

Like sea wave, comes and goes, do you know you have been here for how many times already?

We too, come and go, without stopping like a turning wheel.

(in this Samsara World)

It is very lucky that this life we are here in Human Realms.

(ren dao人道)

In Human realms, we are the most lucky one because we can hear Dhamma.

Dhamma is the light in our life.

We will not disappear (vanish) after death. We are just transforming into another body in another place.

Our physical body will die and decay but our soul will continue in another space.

Previously we don’t know, we lived a confuse life. Now we hear Buddha’s Teaching (Dhamma) already. We have to take a serious thought about this Life’s Matter.

Everyone of us will have to leave this place, (Visa due!)

Where we want to go next?

We have to prepare for the migration then. Decide and choose a better space to migrate.

With Dhamma, everything will be possible! (you fo fa jiu you ban fa)

Now we are following Pureland Practice, our aim is to go to Pureland.

Actually Pureland is our Hometown.

Samsara World is only a transit place.

Buddha said, every one of us is just like Him. Can be enlightened like Him. This is one’s original trueself.

(have Wisdom and Virtues just like Buddha)

If we practice and cultivate in the correct way, we will gain enlightenment. At that time we will end the reincarnation in this Samsara World.

Remember in the previous book (Sharing & Caring), Buddha had shown us the best way to escape from the reincarnation. We practice Nian Fo method, recite Amituofo, we take a short cut to reach Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie.

Nian Fo is the most suitable way for us to practice.
Just 4 letters ~ A Mi Tuo Fo,
this is easier for us to concentrate.

In order to be success in our practice, (can be born to Xi Fang Ji Le Shi Jie), there must be conditions.

The three conditions are:

Belief (xin),

Desire (yuan),

Action (xing).

1. We must believe that we have wisdom and virtues just like Buddha, with correct practice we can gain enlightenment.

We must belief that there is Amitabha Buddha to assist us

(bless us with His merits/gong de). With our serious efforts and Amituofo blessing, we can be born to Pureland.

2 We must have desire to go to Pureland. If we don’t want to go, nobody can make us go.

The feeling (desire) of ending the

Samsara suffering and eager to be born in Pureland will only be success provided we want to go.

3. We have belief, we have desire to go, then we must put some efforts into action. That is to recite Amituofo/Nian Fo.

Now you may say you have no time to practice because you have to work to earn a living, you have many things to settle each day, how to practice?

Buddha already foresee this circumstances 2,554 years ago.

( lack of time/lack of patient/lack of wisdom), that is why He recommended Nian Fo method for us to practice.

Nian Fo can be carry out anytime,

any where, there is no time and space

difficulty at all.

Master Chin Kung said, during you do your “ attentive works”, you concentrate to do your work, after finish your work, you put aside the thinking of your works and start recite Amituofo ( in your heart).

Don’t think of something else.

For works or chores which is routine works; like house works; (sweeping/ironing/cooking/walking)

We can recite Amituofo without disturbing our routine works.

In this way, we will enjoy our works instead of getting tired and bored.

Works done and in the same time we accumulating merits. Win-win situation right? How smart you are!


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